Get this- I was actually 'inspired' by one of the pieces that Dirty “Dirts” Harry presented us (1). See how far I have come? Nobukazu Takemura’s “Assembler Mix” sounded like an old movie soundtrack looping under other fragments of the same movie. It was very much rhythmically based, almost ‘groovy’ as they say, and towards the end some sine waves were introduced as the whole scene came crashing down into what could be described as mush. Something that Colonel John Delaney and I noticed was some barely audible sounds up in the high 17kHz range. On the subject of the Colonel, it is interesting that somebody else has noticed you can hear that a television is turned on when you aren’t actually in earshot. I thought I was able to hear electromagnetic waves, however it turns out I’m not that cool.
Umm… Oh yes. So I was inspired to see what I could do with some ‘old’ sounds I found in the audio lab samples folder, and
this is what I cooked up. I am well aware that using loops is not ‘composition’, but I really don’t have the time to sit around with Sibelius. I think it has an old skool rap style about it, with a hint of ‘chill’, Massive Attack style. I think I’ll get a girl to rap over it. Girl rappers are the best.

Next up was “Snarling Wrath of Angry Gods” by Gutbucket from their album “Dry Humping the American Dream”. Despite the ultra-cool name, I didn’t get the “Snarling” at all. The odd key signature and mix of heavy guitar and brass instruments gave the impression that the Angry Gods have disparate musical tastes, however the saxophone solo was possibly the best saxophonophony* I have ever heard.

Continuing the ‘comparative’ format of the most recent listening sessions, Dirts unleashed some Bach on us (HEY! That’s a great name for a dog! Bach! Ha ha ha!). The piece was a 6 voice improvisation that Bach created for a guy that had thrown together an abstract theme, on which the piece was based. The sound of a harpsichord certainly gets old quickly, and I would like to hear the piece played on a grand piano. Still, what doesn’t sound good on a grand piano? Well, Slipknot wouldn’t.I’m getting sidetracked again.The next piece was “Kyrie” by Toby Twining. The main feature of this piece was the vocal harmonics, of which Patrick and I can emulate to a lesser extent, and even though the piece built up to a rich collage of sound, it still felt like it didn’t go anywhere.

Arnold Driblatt’s “Lapse” had a heavy emphasis on rhythm, and the overall sound had a “Chinese street-corner lute-band” feel to it. Varying tempos helped maintain interest, seeing as there seemed to be no structure to the melodic or harmonic progression. It turns out the song was based on the overtone series, which trying to explain would be both boring and word-consuming. Hardcore Chinese Opera” by Otomo Yoshihide won some fans with screaming being the focal point. Lastly Igor Stravinsky’s “Symphonies of Wind Instruments” fail to get a rise from me.

The Artist Talk this week was a free-for-all student presentation seminar, where Vinny Bhagat presented a song of unrequited musicianship, Patrick McCartney informed us of his ‘lunar’tic plan of astroterrestrial composition and Tyrell presented some sounds of people touching live instrument leads. I would have hired a stripper, but I guess I’ll have to wait until I’m teaching my own class.
For Audio Arts (2), Christian assisted us with drum microphone techniques. I have miced up numerous drum kits, three so far using the microphones available at EMU, so I like to think I am a micing maestro. I suppose it is just as well, considering this is the only Audio Arts that I have missed this semester. In any case, I would recommend using an AKG-C414 on the kick, and for the snare and hihat use the two Yamaha MZ-204’s. A Rode NT3 will pick up the floor tom nicely.
Creative computing (3) allowed Christian to pass the gall stone of digital tape editing techniques, which apparently I have passed already. I often used PCM editors during Music Technology in high school, so this was a nice reiteration class.
And here’s my awful Jodie remix, which I have named "DJ Opera in: The Bowels of Hell" I would say ‘Enjoy!’, but that would be expecting a bit much.
*Hello again. This word was more fun than serious. I like the four o’s. What, you wanted some incredible revelatory description? Shut up and enjoy these: Phantasmagoria; ignominiousness; antidisestablishmentarianism; mittelschmerz (look up this one).
1. David Harris. “Music Technology Workshop: Listening Session.” Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 1/06/2006.
2. Christian Haines. “Audio Arts: Drum kit microphones.” Practical class presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 29/05/2006.
3. Christian Haines. “Creative Computing: Gall Stones.” Practical class presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 1/06/2006
>>hint of ‘chill’, Massive Attack style. I think I’ll get a girl to rap over it. Girl rappers are the best.
nice work with this arrangement, sounds really cool indeed. and yeah you're also onto something with female rappers. ive never really got into rap, but i know how it has that 'bad boy' image, so im thinking that could certainly be improved by changing from boy to girl. cause girls are better than boys. maybe you could have a transexual rapper, hah, you didnt think of that did you: NOW WHO'S BEING SEXIST!
mittelschmerz [mítt’l shmairts]:
pain midway between menstrual periods: lower abdominal discomfort or pain experienced midway between menstrual periods
[Late 19th century. From German , ‘middle pain’.]
great, wonderful, whatever.
>>dirty "dirts" harry
i think dirty harry is a cool enough nickname. dirty dirts, you say, kinda reminds me a dirty deeds by AC/DC. let's hope that's not what the catchup forum is for.
9:51 pm
Transexuals....... Yes, that could work. To Hindley Street! I wouldn't say I'm a rap 'fan', but I do get it. It's basically poetry, and the better the rhyme the more respect I have for the song. I've gotten to a stage where I can look past the stupidity of the rap image, and I can't deny some of the talent in the rhymes. This one in particular.
Way to give up the meaning of mittelschmerz, now no one will bother looking it up.
I will revert to Dirty Harry, if that is your Freedom Day wish,
11:11 pm
So I am a Colonel now? At least I'm going up in the ranks....on the subject of rap, I think you're on to something there....I saw this freestyle hip-hop rap doco the other night which I liked because of all the "fake" attitude on show. Good for a laugh. But the female rapper thing is great hehe
11:44 am
AKG-C414's aren't cheap dude. I recommend caution if your drummer has a heavy foot - you might split the diaphragm, and you know what happens then - WWWAAAAAHHH!!!!!!
12:46 pm
It's true you have to watch how 'vicious' the drummer is when using the AKG, but my drummer was a girl so....you know....
7:41 pm
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
2:25 pm
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